Al Masmak Fortress
Эр-Рияд · Крепость
О месте
Sitting in the heart of Saudi Arabia’s biggest metropolis, Riyadh, the 150-year old Al Masmak Palace serves as a museum displaying different historical artifacts, works of art, weapons, maps, and other exhibits of Saudi history. Built in 1865, this historic palace served many purposes over the years and was originally used as a base for the military . The fortress was eventually conquered by King Abdul Aziz when his forces took control of Riyadh in 1902 and unified the kingdom.
The fortress is a proud indicator of the Saudi kingdom’s regain of control over Riyadh, which makes it the perfect place to display remnants of Saudi history and roots. Exhibits at this museum include photographs dating to the early 20th century, works of art, and audiovisual presentations. Visitors to the museum can also watch a documentary exhibiting the regain of control of the fortress by the kingdom. A palm tree gate leads into the museum from an open plaza and is known as al-Khokha, which only allows one person to pass through at a time for security measures. Some of the major museum attractions include the spacious courtyard outside the fortress which is a common point of exploration for tourists, the watchtowers that look over the city, historic artworks dating back to the early 20th century and even earlier, and several fresh